Sunday 18 March 2012


Mermaids at Copenhagen
looking at to sea.

Seahorse and mermaid

A stunning piece of work I wish I had the talent for this.

Men looking out to sea.

Known mostly for industrial pictures, Mr Lowry has must of seen people feel the way I do, looking out to the sea, hoping for answers and that feeling of being part of the water.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Sea View

Shoes, walking and sea.

The shoes once again at Portmerrion.

The beach at Tywyn, Mid Wales, a cold misty day, perfect for filming.

A chilly day at Rhyl, it was a beautiful morning, then the weather came in.... hail.... oh joy !

HDR shoes

A day at Portmerrion, slightly rainy and cloudy but the place is beautiful.
You can really imagine the confusion the prisoner had when he looked out the window,
you would never know you where in Wales.

Water at Warwick

Warwick water

Another watery film, this was done at Warwick castle where the river was used to work a waterwheel, and made into a wier so it ran faster.

Wavy Sky

One of the first mini films I made with lots of photos of the Birmingham skyline and the water in the fountain.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Sea light

Older film but very much in theme.

Take two

different soundtrack.

Take one...........

Standing on a beach or two ......... or possibly more.....after much travelling and videoing and photography the piece is finally coming together....a couple of versions are being made and more recording to be done. A version with me singing is a possibitly but hopefully edited in a kind way lol. I also want to do a breathing version, these will be done this weekend and hopefully posted if Im happy with the end result.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

If only I could click my heels and be in Glastonbury.

Here is one of the photos taken at the top of the Tor, Colin has done some filming aswell that hasnt been edited yet but Im sure will be fab when done.

Yule in Glastonbury

What a wonderful place to spend Yule, ok it was breezy and Im not great with height or climbling up hills, but I had the Gazelle like Colin with me to get me to the top with shoes and cameras, (typically the weather was a lot better day after )
Glastonbury is 'one of those places' as soon as we arrive our bodies relax and get into the chilled mind set, the shops were busy but not with the stresses or bussel that you get in Lichfield or Walsall, everyone was happy, wishing people Merry Christmas without worry of upsetting anyone, no 'Happy Holidays' used as a get out .
Photos taken of the Ruby Slippers at the top of the Tor, which look great, but I was glad to get back down again !